Syllabus: Portable Curricula for Reinforcement Learning Agents


Curriculum learning has been a quiet yet crucial component of many of the high-profile successes of reinforcement learning. Despite this, none of the major reinforcement learning libraries directly support curriculum learning or include curriculum learning implementations. These methods can improve the capabilities and robustness of RL agents, but often require significant, complex changes to agent training code. We introduce Syllabus, a library for training RL agents with curriculum learning, as a solution to this problem. Syllabus provides a universal API for curriculum learning algorithms, implementations of popular curriculum learning methods, and infrastructure for easily integrating them with distributed training code written in nearly any RL library. Syllabus provides a minimal API for each of the core components of curriculum learning, dramatically simplifying the process of designing new algorithms and applying existing algorithms to new environments. We demonstrate that the same Syllabus code can be used to train agents written in multiple different RL libraries on numerous domains. In doing so, we present the first examples of curriculum learning in NetHack and Neural MMO, two of the premier challenges for single-agent and multi-agent RL respectively, achieving strong results compared to state of the art baselines.

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Ryan Pégoud
Ryan Pégoud
MSc Student in Computational Statistics and Machine Learning

My research interests include Reinforcement Learning in Open-Ended settings, leading to more general and robust agents.