Breaking down State-of-the-Art PPO Implementations in JAX
This article has been published on Towards Data Science, read it here!
Since its publication in a 2017 paper by OpenAI, Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) is widely regarded as one of the state-of-the-art algorithms in Reinforcement Learning. Indeed, PPO has demonstrated remarkable performances across various tasks, from attaining superhuman performances in Dota 2 teams to solving a Rubik’s cube with a single robotic hand while maintaining three main advantages: simplicity, stability, and sample efficiency.
However, implementing RL algorithms from scratch is notoriously difficult and error-prone, given the numerous error sources and implementation details to be aware of.
In this article, we’ll focus on breaking down the clever tricks and programming concepts used in a popular implementation of PPO in JAX. Specifically, we’ll focus on the implementation featured in the PureJaxRL library, developed by Chris Lu.